CALL US : 0800 PROFR8 (0800 776 378)

Prohibited Imports

Prohibited Imports

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There is quite a list of goods that are prohibited from being imported into New Zealand by Law. Some you may never have thought about. Please see below a brief list of certain items that are prohibited from entering the shores of New Zealand. Some goods may need approval and or licensing.

For accurate, up-to-date, detailed information about prohibitions and restrictions, please contact any NZ Customs Office they are able to assist.

Asbestos, Animals, Anti-personnel mines, Bees, Birds, CFC's, Dairy Products, Diamonds, Dogs, Endangered Species, Explosives, Fire Extinguishers, Fire Arms, Infringing Trade marks, Knives, Motor vehicles (tampered with), Ozone depleting substances, Pesticides, PCB's and Crayons, Pirated Goods, Plant and Plant Products, Pornography, Prescription medicines, Tooth fish, Tyres.


Contact us

Hours 8am - 5pm Mon - Fri

0800 PROFR8

(0800 776 378)
PHONE (00649) 254 4110
27-33 Pavilion Drive
Airport Oaks
Auckland 2150
New Zealand